
Accademia del Caffè Espresso will be present at the “Let’s Talk Coffee 2023” event in Copan Ruinas, Honduras, starting February 20th and running through February 25th.

The event, powered by Sustainable Harvest, is back for the 19th edition and will bring together international industry players.

Thursday, February 23th, Massimo Battaglia and Nora Smahelova will present Accademia and its ongoing research projects and educational offering.

8.30-8.50 am (GTM-6) –  “Accademia Del Caffè Espresso: A Unique Approach to Coffee Education”  by Nora Smahelova, Accademia’s Coffee Education Leader

Nora will connect via Zoom and guide attendees through Accademia with a live tour, that will present the space and activities, while also addressing the importance  of internal coffee education for an high-end espresso machine manufacturer, such as La Marzocco.

 8.50-9.15am (GTM-6) – “Water, Fermentation and Traceability: A Honduran Experience “ by Massimo Battaglia, Accademia’s Coffee Research Leader and Sergio Barbarisi, International Key Account Manager at BWT.

Massimo will share insights on two recent research projects, developed in Honduras with Ihcafe, CDR Food Lab and BWT. The two projects aim at analyzing water used for coffee processing processes, and levels of sugars acidity developed during processing and fermentation used by Honduran coffee producers.

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