Contact Information

Visits are available upon reservation.

For further information, write to:



Should you be traveling by car, please click HERE to view the map, and see the below details for Taxi and Transfer services:


Radio Taxi – Tel. 055 4242


Email: info@capcosepuri.it
Telephone: +39 055 4361900

Fixed rate from Florence center to Accademia (La Marzocco special rate) = 50 euro* (make sure to mention it is for La Marzocco / Accademia so that the special rate is applied)


The Accademia can be reached by public transit taking bus number 25 A from the Florence center at Piazza San Marco – Via La Pira stop.

The bus departs from via La Pira at 9:28am most weekdays and arrives in front of the Accademia (stop “I Cipressini” – make sure to tell the driver you need to get off at this stop) at 9:50am.

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Accademia del Caffè Espresso will be closed from Saturday, August 10 to Tuesday, September 3.

We will reopen to the public from Wednesday, September 4.