
Liasion Cupping

Liaision Cupping is a series of presentations of regional and specialty coffees in direct connection with origins. To experiment the format, the team launched the first online sessions with colleagues and Italian roasters from all over the country, so that each participant – after having received via shipment a comprehensive cupping kit with a selection of beans from various plantations – respectively from Guatemala, thanks to AnaCafè, and from Honduras, thanks to IHcafe – could taste coffee all together, interact and exchange thoughts to favor coffee culture and knowledge in the virtual company of representatives from the producing countries.


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L'Accademia del Caffè Espresso sarà chiusa per le festività natalizie dal 20 Dicembre al 7 Gennaio inclusi. Auguriamo a tutti Buone Feste!

Accademia del Caffè Espresso will be closed for Winter Holiday from Friday 20 December up to and including Tuesday 7 January.