
Through the words of our CEO, Guido Bernardinelli, we share our vision of what we call “our journey towards sustainability.”

We are aware that this is a long, dynamic path that requires awareness and continuous improvement.

Yet, as coffee people, we are determined to tackle it, supporting research projects and initiatives that influence the entire coffee value chain with the aim of inspiring other companies to take concrete actions and to contribute to its improvement. Because investing in the environment means investing in our future.

Learn about our commitment here. 

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L'Accademia del Caffè Espresso sarà chiusa per le festività natalizie dal 20 Dicembre al 7 Gennaio inclusi. Auguriamo a tutti Buone Feste!

Accademia del Caffè Espresso will be closed for Winter Holiday from Friday 20 December up to and including Tuesday 7 January.