The Rise of ESPRESSO
The Rise of Espresso is a documentary film directed by Enrico Ventrice and produced by @accademiadelcaffeespresso, showcasing the transformation of espresso from an Italian tradition to a global cultural phenomenon. The Rise of Espresso is meant to celebrate espresso’s history and renaissance: its journey, and that of the perseverant Italians who have turned espresso into an iconic drink, passing on their passion, expertise and machines from generation to generation. The documentary pays homage to all of them, hoping to help its viewers appreciate quality coffee, and the fascinating history of a global industry that has never stopped to explore excellence and innovation.
A story of
A phenomenon that is intertwined with the journey and cultivation of coffee, and with how this precious crop has turned into a universal beverage, soon propelling the evolution of espresso coffee machines.
A story of
30 individual tales of stories that cover a century of evolution. People who have undertaken challenges, left their land, rebuilt their live from scratch while, simultaneously and unconsciously, have written an entire page of history.
Frank Depasquale
A revolution in
Originally, a raw material that was dark roasted the way the Italians would, with a thick cream and a strong flavor, is today being re-interpreted to unveil coffee’s aromatic nuances. Yet, ever since, coffee remains a cult drink.
George Howell
An evolution of
An evolution or rather a revolution. From something being prepared at home from a Moka, to it being served in bars and restaurants, and brewed on espresso machines, that revolutionized the way we now drink coffee.
Di Donato family
Creative producer
The Rise of Espresso is a collection and reconstruction of personal stories of those who have decided to leave their country in search of fortune, elsewhere. It is about those who have found in coffee, in the crop and in the machinery, a new chapter in their lives, in their careers.
The Rise of Espresso portrays the epic allure around this beverage, which - from a ritual entrenched in Italian culture and in convivial experiences - turns into a social drink to, then, become a global phenomenon over time. This leads to a rapid expansion of the coffee market and of its evolution, which eventually culminates in today’s great attention people place towards coffee as a raw material, towards the social and economic implications at origin, all the way to addressing quality control during the roasting stage and, eventually, to quality in the cup.
These worlds - that of (coffee) production and consumption, were originally very distant from each other.
These worlds have continued to talk to one another, and to interact for a shared purpose, that of making such an iconic drink, espresso coffee, increasingly more popular and sustainable around the globe.
Guido Bernardinelli
CEO La Marzocco
When I was approached to make a documentary about espresso culture, which has spread around the world thanks to Italian migrants, I was very excited. At that time I was writing a documentary about my grandfather, a migrant himself and a barista for 40 years, in love with his work and especially with his espresso machine. My grandfather – and coffee – were central to my childhood: I spent the first years of my life in his coffee bar, while my young parents finished their college degrees. My grandfather even built me a special raised platform, so that I could learn to make espresso before I was tall enough to reach the arm of the machine. I never did manage to learn how to make coffee like his, nor did I become a barista; but I learned a lot of other things from my grandfather, such as how to tell stories. He used to do it verbally, to entertain his customers. I, who was more introverted, chose to do it by being behind the camera. My grandfather’s coffee machine was, in many ways, his camera too: through it he used to communicate to his customers, and through them learned about the world… he who, apart from his years spent as a bricklayer in Switzerland in order to make enough money to buy his café, had never traveled. In many of the people in this documentary, I see glimpses of my grandfather: in their resourcefulness, initiative, creativity, passion, and self-sacrifice. All for a cup of coffee! Each one of them contributed to creating an industry that, out of Italian creativity, has given birth to a global market that now consumes more than 2 billion cups of espressobased beverages every day.
I feel honored to have taken part in such a beautiful project and I am convinced that my grandfather Raffaele, who passed away just days before Accademia Del Caffè Espresso contacted me, somehow made this possible.
Enrico Ventrice
The Rise of Espresso
Roadshow 2024/2025
On occasion of SIRHA, the La Marzocco France team will première The Rise of Espresso at Caillou Café Comptoir.
On occasion of the FUL MAG event (Firenze Urban Lifestyle magazine) in Accademia del Caffè Espresso, the documentary will be screened.
Movieland, 301-63 Seongsu-dong 2(i)-ga, Seongdong-gu
Italian Film Festival, Melbourne
Italian Film Festival, Sydney
EScoffee Lab, Guayaquil
Italian Première at Festival dei Popoli in Florence, Italy
African Premiere at Out of the Box, Cape Town
Italian Première at Festival dei Popoli in Florence, Italy
European Premiere at European Coffee Symposium + CoHo, Berlin
On-invitation screening at Out of the Box, Cairo (Egypt)
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