Espresso Universe

“Universo espresso” is the designed space for temporary exhibits. It welcomes stories, voices, images and people that contribute to enriching the global coffee culture.

Coffee Migrant Migrant Coffee - Chapter 1:Brazil

Coffee Migrant Migrant Coffee explores the deep connection between the vast and complex phenomenon of Italian emigration through the lens of its relationship with coffee. The first chapter of the exhibit is dedicated to Brazil, analyzing the significant migratory flow that brought over a million Italians to Brazilian ports between the 19th and 20th centuries, leading them to engage in coffee cultivation.

Origin. Illustration Marathon 2023

The exhibit collects the works drawn by the students of the Scuola Internazionale di Comics, during the 2023 Illustration Marathon.

The theme of this year’s marathon was “Origins”, an intentionally ambivalent theme chosen to give space to the individual interpretations of the participants. In relation to Accademia, “Origins” in fact lends itself to a dual interpretation: the origins of coffee, and thus a focus on the places of production, cultivation and the long supply chain; but also the origins of La Marzocco.

Over 800 people, One Family

A celebration of the people of La Marzocco. Over 800 people, spread in 18 countries and 5 continents, one family.

The installation was launched on Family Days 2022, the biennial event that brings to Florence La Marzocco’s employees of the various global offices. A world map collects the names of every person of the La Marzocco global staff.

Coffea. Colombian Coffees - Identity, Diversity, People and Terroirs (16th June - 7th October)

“Ho lasciato la Colombia con l’obiettivo di ritornarci un giorno da fotografo, e realizzare un lavoro che fosse un racconto diverso ed autentico del mio paese e della sua gente.”

“I left my homeland with the intention of one day returning as a photographer and developing a project that tells a positive story about my country and its people.”

Coffea is the photographic exhibition of the Colombian photographer Andrès Pardo Gomez. It narrates Colombian coffee culture through the hands and faces of the producers, the landscapes of the producing regions, and the processes and practices carried out by virtuos fincas. The whole project aims at creating a network of virtuous producers, sharing and promoting sustainable and technologically-advanced cultivation methods, thus giving value to each of the actors of the coffee value chain.

The photography exhibition was developed and curated by the Colombian Embassy in Rome, Italy, Cafè de Colombia, Pro Colombia and Colombia Co.

Viaggio nella Terra del Caffè (17th March - 10th June)

Italian espresso wouldn’t be the same without Brazilian coffee. It’s thanks to Brazilian coffee, that Italy turned roasting and espresso extraction into an art, becoming a global reference for the industry.

The exhibit, developed and curated by Museu do Cafè and the Brazilian Embassy in Rome, narrates the long-standing relationship between Brazil and Italy, focusing specifically on coffee cultivation. The Brazilian agricultural business’ development is much linked to the 1,4M Italian immigrants, who between 1870 and 1920 travelled to Brazil and worked in the coffee plantation of Sao Paulo.

Genius Loci

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Restaurant reservation / Prenotazione ristorante
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ABC of Espresso Extraction/L’ABC dell’Estrazione dell’Espresso
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Sensory Analysis / Analisi Sensoriale
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Coffee processing / La lavorazione del caffè
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